There Is No Directive With Exportas Set To Ngform
There is no directive with exportas set to ngform august 16 2019 angular tips and guidelines there is no directive with exportas set to ngform.
There is no directive with exportas set to ngform. The reason it didn t work for me is because i forgot to add my form component ts to the declarations. There is no directive with exportas set to ngform searchform ngform inputsearch ngform this input is required. Import logincomponent from login login. Known property of input.
Ngcontrol search inputsearch ngform https run plnkr co rhpwnl6uiqwcfokz src main js loading. There is no directive with exportas set to ngform here is the screenshot of the error. Ngmodel model search. Stack overflow for teams is a private secure spot for you and your coworkers to find and share information.
I had the same issue and tried every solution above but non of them worked for me. Note that the form referenced in this blog is a template driven form.